Tailored to fit your needs. Trusted worldwide.

Cost-effective, Flexible Plans


Streamlined solution for organizations needing to conduct phishing testing.
  • Unlimited Phishing Simulator
  • Unlimited Awareness Training
  • Customisable Landing Pages
  • Create your own simulations
  • Customisable Email Templates
  • Interactive Quizzes
  • Support


Combine powerful phishing simulation with our built-in Learning Management System.​
  • Everything in the Standard Plan
  • Custom Course Creation
  • Customisable Quiz creation


All features from Professional plan combined with powerful Enterprise tools.​
  • Everything in the Professional Plan
  • Custom Branding
  • Monitor Data Breaches
  • Domain Phishing Detect
Tracking the dark web for stolen data to detect and mitigate potential security threats.
Scans the dark web for compromised credentials and sensitive information, alerting organizations for prompt action.
Compromised login credentials, financial data, and sensitive information susceptible to exploitation.
Regular scans, frequency based on risk tolerance, industry regulations, and the nature of stored data.
Early threat detection, rapid response to breaches, protection of sensitive data, and overall cybersecurity enhancement.
No, beneficial for businesses of all sizes as cybercriminals target organizations indiscriminately.
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Satisfied Clients Share
Their HookPhish Experience

"HookPhish's services have been a game-changer for our security. Their proactive measures against phishing attacks are top-notch. As someone who values online safety, I highly recommend their expertise."
"PurpleTalk has been fortunate to partner with HookPhish. Their dedication to thwarting phishing threats and their innovative solutions have been indispensable for our digital protection. Highly impressed and recommended."
"Chegg greatly appreciates HookPhish's commitment to our cybersecurity. Their vigilant approach to detecting and preventing phishing attacks has significantly enhanced our defense. Their services are a must-have for anyone prioritizing online security."
Duck Creek
Duck Creek
"Duck Creek's experience with HookPhish has been exceptional. Their services are essential in today's digital landscape. Their expertise in combating phishing attacks and their proactive stance make them an ideal cybersecurity partner. Highly endorse them."